Everything You Need to Know about Drinking at Your Game Party

Aug 15, 2020


Welcome to STL Casino Events, your ultimate resource for game party rentals in St. Louis. Hosting a game party can be an exciting and memorable experience, but it's important to make sure you have all the necessary information for a great time. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about drinking at your game reception and how to ensure a safe and enjoyable event.

Game Party Rentals in St. Louis

At STL Casino Events, we specialize in providing high-quality game party rentals in St. Louis and the surrounding areas. Whether you're planning a birthday party, corporate event, or any other special occasion, our wide selection of games and equipment will ensure that your guests have an unforgettable experience. From table rentals to event lighting, we have everything you need to create the perfect game party atmosphere.

Understanding Drinking Rules and Regulations

Before hosting a game party with alcohol, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the drinking rules and regulations in St. Louis. The legal drinking age is 21 years old, and it's important to check the identification of your guests to ensure compliance. Additionally, it's crucial to adhere to any local or state laws regarding the sale and consumption of alcohol. If you're unsure about the regulations, consult with a legal professional or event planner to ensure a compliant event.

Providing a Safe Environment

As the host of a game party, it's your responsibility to provide a safe environment for your guests. If you choose to serve alcohol, consider implementing the following measures:

  • Designated drivers: Encourage your guests to have a designated driver or arrange alternative transportation options.
  • Limiting alcohol consumption: Monitor the amount of alcohol consumed by each guest and be prepared to refuse service to anyone who appears intoxicated.
  • Alternative beverage options: Provide non-alcoholic alternatives such as mocktails, soft drinks, and water to ensure that all guests have options.
  • Food availability: Offer a variety of snacks and appetizers to help mitigate the effects of alcohol and keep your guests satisfied throughout the event.

Obtaining the Necessary Permits

If you plan to serve alcohol at your game party, it's crucial to obtain any necessary permits. Depending on the location and nature of your event, you may need a special permit to serve alcohol. Consult with your local licensing authority for more information on the requirements and application process.

Hiring Professional Bartenders

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience for your guests, consider hiring professional bartenders. Professional bartenders are experienced in managing alcohol consumption, handling difficult situations, and ensuring that all guests are served responsibly. This will not only enhance the overall atmosphere of your event but also help ensure the safety and well-being of your guests.

Providing Game Options for Non-Drinkers

It's essential to cater to the needs of all your guests, including those who choose not to drink alcohol. Incorporate a variety of game options and activities that cater to non-drinkers. By offering a diverse selection, you'll ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time, regardless of their drinking preferences.


Hosting a game party with alcohol can be a fantastic way to celebrate with friends and loved ones. By following the guidelines provided in this comprehensive guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge necessary to create a memorable and safe event. Remember, at STL Casino Events, we offer a wide range of game party rentals, event lighting, and table rentals to help you transform your vision into reality. Contact us today to make your game party a resounding success!

Mery Dietrich
Drink responsibly 🍻 and have a fun-filled game party with your friends! 🎉
Nov 11, 2023
Peter Johnston
Remember to drink responsibly.
Oct 5, 2023
John Carrick
I never realized there were so many drink options for game parties. Great suggestions!
Mar 26, 2023
Andreas Thorsteinsen
I love the idea of themed drinks to match the game party's atmosphere. Great creativity!
Mar 3, 2023
Brian Vanhook
Thank you for the helpful tips on hosting a game party!
Feb 9, 2023
Stephen Corbin
Hosting game parties is all about creating a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved.
Jan 22, 2023
Ava Cameron
This article provides a useful guide for ensuring a safe and enjoyable game party.
Jan 5, 2023
Kirk Rumsey
I'm impressed by how comprehensive and thorough this guide is. Kudos to the author!
Dec 29, 2022
Kristina Morgan
The importance of responsible drinking at game parties cannot be overstated. Thanks for addressing this.
Dec 15, 2022
Lisa Lovelace
The emphasis on creating an enjoyable and safe environment for all guests is commendable.
Sep 29, 2022
Ryan McGlynn
I appreciate the emphasis on creating a inclusive and welcoming environment for all guests.
Mar 26, 2022
Rob Outram
It's great to see a focus on moderation and safety when incorporating alcohol into game parties.
Feb 11, 2022
Max Brewer
Offering a variety of drink choices can certainly enhance the overall game party experience!
Dec 26, 2021
Lon Wheeler
The information about setting guidelines and encouraging responsible drinking is valuable for any host.
Nov 27, 2021
Charles Repholz
As a non-drinker, it's refreshing to see tips for offering non-alcoholic options at game parties.
Mar 13, 2021
Jerod Powell (InfinIT Consulting, Inc.)
I appreciate the reminder to plan transportation options for guests who may drink at the party.
Feb 5, 2021
Satish Barde
It's essential to consider the safety and well-being of all guests when it comes to alcohol at game parties.
Jan 28, 2021
Pat Morrow
The tips on handling different drink preferences at game parties are practical and considerate.
Dec 17, 2020
Fran Lewis
The variety of drink recipes and suggestions will definitely add flair to any game party! 🍹
Oct 17, 2020